

放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2019-08-23 21:52:16  阅读:1746+ 作者:责任编辑NO。谢兰花0258

There’s a witty saying, “Men look and women listen, so women wear makeup and men lie.” Terrible from a gender point of view, but I don’t feel much like getting into that part here. Truth is, everyone lies, as much to ourselves as to others.


Have you ever been taken by a wave of emotions and that rush of blood straight from your heart to your head and wanted to promise someone, with all the earnestness in you, not just one, but a few forevers of undying love? And have you, somewhere down the road, looked back and couldn’t for the life of you recall even a fraction of what you felt?


I know better, well, for the most part. Hart to hear, but only fools (and liars) make claims about the heart and forever. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not cheering for the much-cursed player game. All I’m really saying is, love, like all things in life, like life itself, is about time. All takes shape, form, an existence of any meaning, only as fast and slow as time moves indifferently along its axis.


Some say love is about the match. It really isn’t. The so-called match is a result of calculations, and regardless of what variables you measure, calculations are for the future. Love is a connection, this moment. Like all things in nature, it’s unstoppable when it grows, changes, and sometimes dies.


But part of us can’t face losing something beautiful, so all perfect love stories must end with “happily ever after,” “I love you” has to be chased down with “forever,” or it just wouldn’t be good enough. We fear so much we have to know now. We want a promise, no uncertainty. We want to be given a guarantee there wouldn’t be any “unpleasant surprises, ” or we would rather not have it at all. Such babies, unreasonable and childish.


Life is a process of oxidation. The thing that fuels all of life’s liveliness is the same that kills it. Two halves of one. All things change, and to change is to be alive. You can’t have love, or anything, if you can’t even stand to acknowledge its truth, the fact that it is alive and what it becomes tomorrow isn’t entirely in your control.


I get asked often, “Do you really see yourself with them in ten years?” like that’s some sort of ultimate test for whether the love is “real.” But hey, do I really see myself, period, in ten years? Ten months? Ten days? Do you? Love is knowing with certainty that I’m happier (and yes, happiness does need a definition, maybe next time...) with you right now than without, and commitment is that my effort today is put into making it so that I’m happier with you tomorrow than today.


Commitment is an honest intention, the strength that makes love worth having despite it being fleeting and elusive. And there’s no true strength without recognizing the limitation of ourselves and our power. Commitment isn’t a promise that nothing will go wrong, isn’t even a promise that our effort will be able to change the turn of events, but it is the willingness to make that effort anyway, and to bear all possible pain anyway, for something that we deem worthy.


So, I, as I am today, love you, as you are today. And when the sun sets and we rest, shedding today like we died, I hope for a new love for the new me and the new you as the sun rises for tomorrow. And if not, if there’s no me, no you, no love, or no sun no earth, I’ve lived true.


And I wish you love, not with chains cages conditions, or caution or reservation, but with clarity and courage.


All images from 图片均来自grafolio.com/zipcy

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This is for you, for the many very real moments between you and me, sealed in time and needing no rationalization or any other trajectorial placing than where they stayed.

